The Rose of Winslow Street is a phenomenal second novel by Elizabeth Camden. It is very original and has characters who might as well be real. Having just returned from being abroad, I can personally vouch that the way cultural differences are described in the novel are extremely accurate. These differences are very important to the plot and the characters' development. I also loved how Camden makes her female characters go against the 19th century's image of what a woman should be.
Libby Sawyer is a spinster still living in the house her father put years of time and labor into repairing. Michael Dobrescu is a foreigner who invades the house while Libby and her father are vacationing. Needless to say, stereotypes come into play and create for some intriguing drama as the Sawyers fight to regain their house.
I can't wait until I can read it again and look forward to Camden's third novel Against the Tide coming out in October.
*I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers to give it an honest review.