Sixty Acres and a Bride, by Regina Jennings, reminds me a lot of Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. But instead of telling the tale of Hosea, Jennings told the story of Ruth and Naomi.
I greatly enjoyed this debut by Jennings. It is a quick read that is witty and original. And relateable.
All of the emotions Rosa feels are genuine in her situation: a widowed Mexican come to Texas with her mother-in-law to find a large amount of taxes waiting for them to pay; as the two struggle to come up with the money, Rosa wonders if she will every be truly loved.
This is similar to many present day situations. After all, people question their value and whether anyone will love them everyday.
I recommend this book to everyone and look forward to Regina Jennings next book.
*I was given a free copy by Bethany House Publishers in return for an honest review.